Question: 1 / 50

Condition Yellow refers to a state of mind in which you

Have gone into survival mode

Are alert and aware of your surroundings

Condition Yellow refers to a state of mental preparedness used in Jeff Cooper's Color Code system, a tool to help security personnel and other individuals assess and respond to threats in their environment. When in Condition Yellow, you are alert and focused on your surrounding environment, paying close attention to people, places, and things that could pose a security risk. It's not a state of fear or anxiety, but a relaxed state of general awareness. This is to ensure that you can recognize any threats early, giving you more time to put preventive measures in place or respond effectively if the situation escalates. Thus, the statement "Condition Yellow refers to a state of mind in which you are alert and aware of your surroundings" is accurate.

Detect possible troubles

None of the above


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