Ace the Wyoming Security Guard Exam 2024 – Unleash Your Inner Protector!

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Question: 1 / 50

What is the first procedure to follow while transmitting via radio

Talk very clearly and coherently

Talk very loudly

Transmit immediately when you need to make a call

Listen before transmitting and ensure there is no traffic in progress over the radio

The first procedure to follow while transmitting via radio is to listen before transmitting. This is to ensure that there is no ongoing communication over the radio and avoid interrupting ongoing transmissions. Talking clearly and coherently (option A) and talking loudly (option B) are important aspects of effective communication but they are not the first step to follow. Additionally, transmitting immediately when you need to make a call (option C) can lead to disruptions if there is already ongoing communication on the radio. Therefore, option D is the most important and necessary first step to follow when transmitting via radio.


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